"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are"

~Carl Jung


Thank you for taking the time to watch! Let's take the next step on your Journey together!

What does "Shakti" mean anyway? 

In its simplest definition, Shakti is the Fire of the Divine that runs through us ALL. 

I received the name "Shakti" while with a spiritual teacher and mentor many years ago. The name was given as a way to bring forth that which I came here to be and do while on earth - spark transformation. The energies represented in the name allow me to tap into the best aspects of my soul and my personality while learning to harness wisdom and transform obstacles to my path. 

Shakti - is the primordial, sacred force of cosmic energy that moves through all creation -- the spark that is Life Force Energy -- the spark of True Power 

As we embody our power, we unlock resources that begin to create the life we are meant to live - one of unconditional love, unbridled joy, and authenticity. 

I welcome you into my journey. May it spark a fire in you that burns so brightly, you never forget who you really are...ever again. 


Melissa Shakti

Melissa Shakti


Spiritual Energetics

Growing up in the Southern U.S. has deeply shaped my journey. Drawing from teachings of Christ Consciousness and blending education, travel, and various healing practices, I offer a unique approach to working with clients. Spiritual Energetics bridges the spiritual and physical worlds, empowering us to heal and transform. We uncover a roadmap within ourselves, guiding us toward our dreams and true potential. By understanding energy influences, we reclaim feelings of safety and love, while learning to overcome fear and release negative emotions. Through this journey, I embody a blend of southern charm, spiritual fire, and deep compassion for exploring the human experience.

Transformational Coaching

I deeply believe in our capacity to transform rather than just cope.

My journey started when I faced my own struggles—PTSD, anxiety, addiction, and more. Now, with over 20 years of experience as a therapist, mentor, and trainer, I merge my expertise with a dedication to personal growth.

My coaching comes from a place of unconditional love, empowerment, and genuine transformation—not just getting by.

I'm here to make the journey easier for you. While I have credentials, what truly defines me is our shared humanity and quest for growth and joy.

If you feel a connection, let's begin this journey together!

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